Fundur Með Nefnd Kínversku Listamannasamtakanna

Í júní 2016 sótti nefnd á vegum Kínversku listamannasamtakanna (China Federation of Literary and Art Circles) Kínversk-íslenska menningarfélagið heim, en nokkurt samstarf hefur verið á milli samtakanna um árabil. Tilgangur heimsóknarinnar var að efla þetta starf enn frekar.

Fundur með nefndarmönnum var haldinn á heimili Hrafns Gunnlaugssonar mánudaginn 20. júní. Af hálfu Kím sátu fundinn Guðrún Margrét Þrastardóttir, Kristján H. Kristjánsson og Ásgeir Beinteinsson auk gestgjafans, Hrafns, sem sýndi gestum húsið og umhverfi þess. Sérstaklega var skoðaður járnhörgurinn sem  Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson,
allsherjargoði, helgaði Óðni árið 2014.

Meðfylgjandi myndir voru teknar af Suo Jiulin og eru þær birtar með leyfi hans.

Fylgdarmenn hópsins voru sendiráðsfulltrúarnir Zhang Zhiruo og He Fan.

Neðangreindir voru í nefndinni undir forystu Zhang Xihai, aðstoðarforstjóra samtakanna (upplýsingar eru birtar á ensku úr kynningarskjali sem félaginu barst).

Mr. ZHANG Xihai
Deputy Director-General of the International Liaison Department of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC), member of China Musicians Association, and member of China Association for Promoting Democracy. Formerly Deputy Director and later Director of the International Liaison Department of China Musicians Association (CMA). He has participated in various international cultural exchange programs as co-organizer and coordinator, and has published several articles and translation works on music exchange. Born in Jiangsu, he graduated from the English Department of Beijing Foreign Studies University with M.A. degree.

Mr. LI Yi
As Vice President and member of the Executive Committee of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC), Mr Li Yi is now responsible for assisting the Executive Vice Chairman of CFLAC with the overall daily operation, apart from his direct responsibility in leading China Theater Association, China Calligrapher’s Association and Department of Human Resources of CFLAC. He also serves as Director of Literary and Art Research Institute of CFLAC, a school for artists and arts management professionals in their advanced studies. As a composer, Li has written many songs, including some award-winning pieces about the folk culture in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Northwest of China along the ancient Silk Road. Graduated from History Department of Xinjiang University in 1983 and Born in Xinjiang, Li has a hobby in photography.

Mr. CHEN Hongwu
Xiao Feng, original name Chen Hongwu, graduated from the Calligraphic Art major of Capital Normal University, National First-Grade Artist. He has been a member of the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th National Council and currently the Executive Vice-President of China Calligraphers Association. His calligraphic works are housed in such places as the National Art Museum of China, the Palace Museum, and the Great Hall of the People, among others. He has written and published many books including Signs of Heaven and Earth – Collected Manuscripts of Calligraphic Interpretations, Presentations of the Heart– Xiao Feng’s Art of Calligraphy, A Collection of Works by Contemporary Masters at the National Art Museum of China: Calligraphy Section – Xiao Feng , Xiao Feng’s Small-Sized Calligraphic Works, Chen Hongwu’s Calligraphic Writings of the Wisdom of the Book of Changes, The Cold Scenery (poems collection) and so forth.

Mr. SUO Jiulin
Mr. Suo Jiulin now serves as Vice President of China Photographers Association (CPA), Chairman of CPA’s Photography Theory Committee, and President of Heilongjiang Provincial Photographers Association. He is also rated as the National First-Grade Writer. Mr. Suo has been devoted to culture and art for a long time. He excels in photography creation and theoretical research of art study. As one of the Outstanding Young and Middle-Aged Experts of Heilongjiang Province, he has won a large number of prizes, such as Literary and Artistic Creation Prize of Heilongjiang Government, Golden Figure Award of China Photographers Association as well as photography creation awards of Vietnam, Russia, Japan and America.







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